Our Production

Our primary business is mining, an essential specialty in nickel. Our Target market is Chinese and Asian country. Our daily activities are rapidly produce precious nickel that will be send to our main factory.
We produce two types of nickel ore, namely saprolite and limonite. We define saprolite as nickel ore with iron content of less than 20% and limonite as nickel ore with iron content of 20% or higher. We ship out two types of saprolite: high-grade and mid-grade. High-grade saprolite has a nickel content of about 1.8% and above while mid-grade saprolite ore has a nickel content of between 1.3 to 1.6%.
Total resources amounted to 129 million tons for Limonite and Saprolite (average Ni 1.31%) estimated by CSA Global (independent consultant).
We are ore and nickel producer, Bumanik invests in research studies in the quest for locations housing new mineral reserves. Our teams of geologists and engineers are at the forefront of this endeavor. Our professionals use techniques ranging from sample collection and subsoil drilling to satellite image analysis to identify the presence of minerals. through investments in technology and logistics we assure efficiency, growth and sustainability in our operations.
Uses of Nickel
Stainless steel has become iconic of high-tech design and construction. Most stainless steels contain about 8-10% nickel. Around two-thirds of all refined nickel produced is used by the stainless steel industry.
Nickel is used to make other alloys with special properties. Corrosion-resistant alloys are used in chemical plants, while ‘super-alloys’ withstand extreme temperatures and are used in aviation. Nickel is also used in electronics and as a substrate for chromium plating.
Nickel is the fifth most common element on Earth and known reserves are estimated to last another 100 years at present mining rates. It occurs in sulphides found underground and laterites that can be mined using open pit methods.

Project Location

Bumanik mine site is located in Desa Bungintimbe, municipality of North Morowali, in the province of Middle Sulawesi. The capital city of the district as well as the central administration is located in the city of Kolonodale and inhabited as much as the soul 117.670 on 2016. Land area in Morowali District estimated area of 15.490,12 km2 or 22,77 percent of land area Central Sulawesi Province.
Infrastructure & Established Facility
Office Representative and Employee Mess is located at Bungintimbe village and equipped with Sample preparation (crusher, pulverizer, ovens, protable XRF) facility area. Site area is also supported with 6.4 km hauling road. Bumanik owned 1 (One) private interest jetty and going to acquire another 2 (two) private interest jetty.
Some of the facilities are already owned by Bumanik, including:

- Office representative and Mess in the Bungintimbe Village, East Petasia District

- Facility Sample Preparation (core site) including supporting equipment (crusher, pulverizer, ovens and protable XRF)

Bumanik Head Office
Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower 1 #2802 level 28 Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190
Bumanik Site Office
Jalan Trans Sulawesi Dusun III Desa Bungintimbe Kec. Petasia Timur Kab. Morowali Utara Sulawesi Tengah, 94671